Club Kit

Junior Technical T-Shirts (£13.00) and Junior Hoodies (£15.50) are also available.
All kit (apart from beanie hats and peaked caps) can be personalised with your name for an additional £3.50 per item.
To order kit, please e-mail:
Please include the following details in your email:
Item(s) required
Size required (click here for size chart)
Whether you would like your name added (additional cost as above) - please clearly state the name to be printed. All items will be ordered without a name unless this is requested in your email.
Confirm payment made to the club account (details below)
Payment information
Please remember to quote “KIT + YOUR NAME” as the reference when making payment to the club account.
Account name: Crawley Saints and Sinners Running Club
Sort code: 20-23-98
Account number: 30434213
The Kit Officer will place an order with the supplier at the beginning of each month. It can take two to three weeks for kit to be ready, so please bear this in mind if you are hoping to receive your kit in time for a race or event.
The Kit Officer will contact you via e-mail when your kit is ready. Wherever possible, kit will be distributed at club training sessions.